Remember to Smile

Wednesday, November 5, 2014 2:12 PM by Jason Cox in Other

As a manager and person of authority within our organization, I often forget how things I say or how my facial expressions are interpreted by others.  I am at all times thinking about several things at once.  Often I find myself answering the question Everything going all right?  as I am walking into the fabrication shop or design department.  Most of the time everything is fine and I am just thinking about things that need addressed at some point in my day.

So why is this a problem worthy of writing a blog about?  Well, my recent trip to Tennessee somewhat opened my eyes to just how effective ones tone of voice and facial expressions can be.

As I was traveling home from Knoxville this week, I stopped at a museum.  I was dreading the drive and I wasnt in the greatest mood because of the seven hours I had left before getting home.  As I walked in the door of the museum, a very nice lady greeted me and welcomed me.  She had a very pleasant voice and a big smile on her face. My mood changed completely and I found myself focussed on the exhibits and not at all thinking negatively about the drive.  After I went through the exhibits and gift shop, I passed by the the reception area on my way out.  The same lady with a big smile on her face said have a nice day and thank you for visiting the museum.

As I started my drive home again, I found myself thinking about how pleasant an experience that was and how nice the lady was at the reception counter.  I thought about how glad I was that I stopped and how her being nice to me changed my day.  I then thought about how I greet people at work and wondered if I smile enough as I am walking around and talking with people.  I assume I dont given the fact that people are asking me if things are going all right.  I also thought about how my facial expressions affect others when I am critiquing their work.  As the Creative Director, its my job to critique everyones work.  Its amazing how what I say, how I say it, and what my facial expression is can affect the other persons day.

Like it or not, we tend to make up stories in our mind about others based on how they look and sound.  Our facial expressions and body language are like billboards to others.  Be mindful of what you are advertising.

Im making it a point to smile more and be aware of my tone when speaking with others.​  How about you?

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