What Do We Need From a Good Client?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 9:34 PM by Betty Brennan in Professional and Industry Tips

What Makes a Good Client?

Recently, an old friend and several time past client stopped by Taylor Studios for a visit. He suggested I blog about what we need from a good client. I believe he was thinking of things like the photos and other resources a client provides during the course of the project. Another client told me he wished he had been gathering these types of resources years before he began working with us. If he had only known to gather photos, quotes, facts, and more ahead of time it would have saved him time and enhanced the project. I certainly have criteria for a good client, like paying on time. I walked around today and asked some of my staff what they want and need from a client. The overall theme was conscientiousness. Here are some details:


This seems self-evident and probably what everyone wants in a relationship. I imagine this is also what clients are looking for when hiring experts like us to help them achieve their goals – partners that do what they say they are going to do. This means they are reliable, dependable, organized, thorough and efficient. Specifically we prefer clients that:

  • Pay on time.

  • Stick to the schedule and are on time.

  • Are responsive and prompt.

  • Take care of their responsibilities.

Reasonable Expectations

This is similar in the sense that it is best to work with people that are realistic, logical and have appropriate expectations. If you want a Lamborghini for a Prius price, this is not reasonable. Just like you cannot expect your car to function without maintenance, an interactive exhibit will most likely need maintenance too. You cannot design and build a custom home in three months nor can you a large exhibit.

Clarity in Communication

This is somewhat related to honesty and trust. Be direct, prompt and clear in your feedback. As professionals, we need to hear what you like and don’t like. Trust in our expertise, that is why you hired us.

Decision Making/Leadership

We prefer clients that have an experienced decision maker leading their team. It is ideal if this person has led a project like this before. This leader should be knowledgeable of budgeting and what things cost. They should be able to manage their team and make a decision even if they don’t get a consensus.

Content Resources

As mentioned earlier, clients will have to provide resources to enhance the design. These resources need to be provided in certain formats. It is best if they have content experts on staff. Staff time will need to be allocated to the project.

Why does it help you to know what a good client looks like? If you can prepare for this type of working relationship then your project will excel with passion and creativity.

What do you look for in a good partner? Let me know in the comments below.

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